Dive Site: Kansho Maru
Location: Between Fefan, Tonoas and Weno, Chuuk Lagoon
Description: 4,862 ton passenger / cargo ship
Length: 116 metres (384 feet)
Depth: Max depth 35 metres (130 feet), 24 metres (80 feet) to deck, 18 metres (60 feet) to top of wreck
Visibility: 20 metres (65 feet)
Rating: *****
The Kansho Maru is a very intact wreck. I headed into the bridge area where there was the captain's wheel and telegraph at a slight angle, the toilets and the spacious engine room. At the bow the derricks are all intact. I ended the dive on the coral covered masts.
El tallerGran tornillo de banco....
sobre los motores
pasadizo hacia la cocina
gran cañon,aunque muy colonizado
enormes culatas
tornilleria gigante
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